The Multifaceted World of Brandon Fugal

May 18, 2024

From Commercial Real Estate to Paranormal Researcher

Brandon Fugal, a prominent figure in commercial real estate and television, has an intriguing professional and personal life that spans various interests and passions. As the chairman of Colliers International in Utah, Fugal's expertise in real estate is well-recognized. However, his interests are not confined to business alone; they extend to the mysterious and paranormal activities at Skinwalker Ranch.

Early Influences and Personal Interests

Growing up with a profound connection to BYU football, thanks to his father's influence, Fugal's roots are firmly planted in Utah's culture. His childhood experiences at LaVell Edwards Stadium not only fostered a love for sports but also ingrained a sense of community and tradition.

Fugal's taste in music reveals his penchant for nostalgia, particularly for the '80s rock and new wave genres. Despite attending a Taylor Swift concert recently—his wife's idea—he remains loyal to the music of his youth, such as AC/DC and Def Leppard. This blend of old-school and contemporary influences reflects in various aspects of his life.

A Turn Towards the Paranormal

In an unexpected twist to his already dynamic career, Fugal purchased Skinwalker Ranch in 2016. This 512-acre property in northeastern Utah is notorious for its strange occurrences ranging from UFO sightings to unexplainable animal deaths. Initially skeptical about the paranormal claims associated with the ranch, Fugal embarked on a scientific journey aiming to debunk these myths.

However, personal experiences soon turned him from a skeptic to a believer—or more accurately, an experiencer. These incidents have profoundly impacted him, pushing him towards investing significantly in researching these phenomena scientifically.

The Impact on Professional Life

Despite these unusual interests, Fugal continues to excel in commercial real estate. Under his leadership, Colliers International has expanded its reach across Utah, providing top-tier services that cater extensively to entrepreneurs and businesses alike.

His dual role as a business leader and paranormal researcher presents unique challenges but also offers him a distinct perspective on both worlds. Whether discussing property markets or detailing encounters with unexplained phenomena, Fugal brings intensity and passion to all his endeavors.

Community Involvement and Future Aspirations

Fugal's commitment extends beyond professional achievements; he is actively involved in community services including contributions towards educational institutions like UVU (Utah Valley University). His discussions about potential expansions like introducing football teams reflect his desire for community growth and development.

As he looks towards future projects both within commercial real estate and paranormal research at Skinwalker Ranch, it is clear that Brandon Fugal thrives on diversity—blending the concrete with the conjectural seamlessly.